E 120, 2004, candy and stainless steel, 115 x 250 x 400 cm
E 120, 2004, candy and stainless steel, 115 x 250 x 400 cm
E 120, 2004, candy and stainless steel, 115 x 250 x 400 cm
Spiders from Mars, part two, 2004, wall paint and clay on MDF board, 3,72 x 7,30 x 5,95 meter
Spiders from Mars, part two, 2004, wall paint and clay on MDF board, 3,72 x 7,30 x 5,95 meter
Hide and seek, 2004, gouache and vinyl paint on cotton paper, 112 x 291 cm
Darth Vader, 2004, clay, gouache and vinyl paint on cotton paper, 112 x 291 cm
Jelly belly, 2004, gouache and vinyl paint on cotton paper, 50 x 130 cm
All cats are grey, 2004, gouache, vinyl paint on cotton paper, 50 x 130 cm